In this post, I will show you the exact and super-fast Trick to change the 8 Ball Pool username/nickname easily on Andriod and PC. Today every 8 Ball Pool Player wants to change their Profile name. Therefore, It’s my duty to provide you information about how to change profile names in 8 ball pools. But Miniclip has made it very difficult to do. It does not matter whether you’re Miniclip User or Facebook User and even Gmail User. To Change the name in the 8 Ball Pool, I will show you 2 Methods. In other words, you will be able to change the name in 8 Ball Pool on android and even on Pc using this simple trick.
So, here is the Screenshot that I have Changed the Name in the 8 Ball Pool using Android.
Change Username In 8 Ball Pool Trick: Method 1 (Android)
1 Account Name Change Trick: Method 1 (Android)
2 Account Name Change Trick: Method 2 (Pc)
This trick is for Android. You can change the name in 8 Ball Pool using Android easily. Just Follow these Instructions.
Please Follow My Steps
- Create Fresh New GMAIL IDGo to Page Signup or create an account Using GMAIL App. You must have Removed all other Google Accounts from your Device.
- Login to Your Miniclip or Facebook(8 Ball Pool) IDBe Sure to Open that one which you are trying to Change your 8 Ball Pool Account/User Name.
- Now, go to Setting and Tap the Login with Google PlayNow you have to wait there for some seconds.
- When Popup Displays Click on Next and From there Choose Your New Nickname/Username for 8 Ball Pool.From here you can Easily Choose Your Name for 8 Ball Pool. Type your name Click Create.
- Congrats! You have Successfully Changed the name in 8 Ball PoolNow Enjoy!
If It Does Not Work For You. Let’s Try Another Method
Change Username In 8 Ball Pool Trick: Method 2 (Pc)
Because Pc users also want to change their 8 Ball Pool account name. So, here is a great method to do this.
- create an email account.
- Create New Facebook ID (Remember! to Choose First and Last Name as you want to display in your newly named 8 Ball account.
- Now Open Miniclip and Sign in to the account in which you want to change the name.
- Go to the setting and click on the account name option.
- Choose from two name options.
- Now, Save Settings.
- Now, You will Successfully Change your name in the 8 Ball Pool on PC.
Will I lose my all 8 ball pool played data?
No, you will not. Nothing will lose.
How much time it takes to complete.
It depends upon your doing Progress. It takes me about 2-3 mins.
How will I log in to the account after changing the name in 8 ball pool?
You can normally log in to your account as before you log in. After that, you will be able to log in using Google Play Games.